
Civil Construction Materials Laboratory


Infrastructure It has an area of 48.96 m² and has the following equipment and materials: metal forms, molds for the specimen (10 x 5 cm), specimens for the specimen (20 x 10 cm), specimens for the specimen ( 30 x 15 cm), sieve shaker, mortar, Vicat appliance for cement, mortar, scale (30kg), fume hood, timer, desiccator, metal brackets, drying oven, conical shape (20cm) , conical shape (30cm), metallic shape with round hole, complete slump test set, gral hand, computer table, DIGIMESS micrometer, KIGTOOLS micrometer, microscope and components, projection panel, calipers, complete sieve set, sieve sieve, Blaine permeabilimeter, metal plate, metal rulers, grinder for specimen, density socket, manual consistency table - Flow Table, tools, among others.
Coordinator Ricardo Cruvinel Dornelas
Involved Professors Antover Panazzolo Sarmento, Enio José Pazini Figueiredo, Ed Carlo Rosa Paiva e Heber Martins de Paula
Involved Technicians Sérgio Henrique Fernandes Mundim


Laboratório de Materiais de Construção Civil