
Regular student selection process 2020/01

  1. Opening notice nº002/2019: https://ppgec.catalao.ufg.br/up/1194/o/Edital_PPGEC_2019_2_atualizado.pdf?1572611177
  2. Result of requests for exemption from registration fee. Clique here.
  3. Result of the appeal filed for the impediment or suspicion of the members of the Selection Process Selection Committee 002/2019. Clique here.
  4. Preliminary approval of registrations. Clique here.
  5. Place of the tests. Clique here.
  6. Call for English sufficiency test and List of Candidates exempted from the exam. Clique here..
  7. Final homologation of registrations. Clique here..
  8. Preliminary result of Stage I - English Test. Clique here.
  9. Step I Resources. Clique here..
  10. Preliminary result of Stage I - Research Project. Clique here..
  11. Preliminary result Stage II - Curriculum Vitae Evaluation. Clique here..
  12. Note - date of appeals from the preliminary results of Steps I and II. Clique here..
  13. Final Result Stage I. Clique here..
  14. Final Result Stage II. Clique here..
  15. Preliminary Final Result. Clique here..
  16. Final result. Clique here..